Monday, June 3, 2013

Democrats look to squash Christie's Proposed School Voucher Program

Democrats look to squash Christie's Proposed School Voucher Program
June .2,2013
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, At $2 million, the Christie administration's proposed school voucher program is a very small piece of the $12.4 billion that the state projects it will spend on public education next year., but Democrats looking to support the all powerfully teachers union are looking to put an end to educational opportunity for the poor.

Democrats lead by State Sen. Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen), the Democratic majority leader, this weekend repeated earlier comments that she was convinced the Democrats would put an end to the pilot, which would provide $10,000 vouchers for low-income students to attend qualifying schools, public or private. ( )

State Sen. Paul Sarlo (D-Bergen), the chairman of the budget committee, last month also said much of the same thing: there were too many Democrats against it being part of an appropriations bill -- if any law at all. ( )

Gov, Christie and pro school choice vocatives have been pressing for vouchers since he first ran for governor, and it is the one piece of his education agenda still unfulfilled.. School choice advocates have been looking to break the monopoly grip on public education and have made some inroads but the NJEA controls to many democrat votes and continues to wage a war on the poor denying them educational opportunities afforded the wealthy and middle classes. State Democrats seem all to happy to allow where on lives to determine the quality of eduction a child receives .

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