Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Aronsohn looks to challenge party bosses for Union Support

Aronsohn looks to challenge party bosses for Union Support 
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ- Councilmen Paul Aronsohn continues  to purse a pro union strategy looking to pick up Union support for his political ambitions  It is becoming readily obvious that Aronsohhn a former McGreevey aid and Ridgewood Councilmen is looking to fill the vacuum and take advantage of the current breakdown in Union ,Democrat relations at every possible opportunity .

Recent statements from Aronsohn have amounted to nothing more than an attempt  placate union bosses . Rumors continue to swirl that Aronsohn is looking to run for Freeholder challenging party incumbent David Ganz.

Aronsohn  continues to be very vocal on a host policies like the ADA which have to many become nothing more than Union ,make work" projects . One look at the Ridgewood Train stations and its "elevators to no where "  or the fact that the copper gutters cost over $800,000.00  leaves one wonders how many people with disabilities will visit the train station roof.

Whether its fighting incentive pay for Non-union workers , voting against pay raises for Village managers , lambasting the Governor or writing farewell pieces to Clarence Clemons or Richard Holbrooke ,Aronsohn continues to campaign hard for Union dollars without which he stands little or no chance of winning public office.

Meanwhile Aronsohn continues to be dogged by questions on his own sincerity and within "liberal" circles is often viewed as nothing more than an opportunist. Some would even question his strategy taking on the powerful Sen, Donald Norcross ,Senate President Steve Sweeney  and other party power brokers in an attempt to create a power base with Union money rivaling theirs.

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