Traditional New Jersey Local media is as guilty as the politicians they continue to protect and should be held accountable
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ - Like a person who buys and alcoholic his next drink ,the same media enablers who have allowed New Jersey to be run into the ground by rampant corruption and fiscal irresponsibility since the Whitman days have now picked up the latest cause celeb to attack and blame all our problems , on the Tea Party. It was only a short time ago the former President George Bush was being blamed for everything from parking tickets to the fact that so many residents were fleeing the states corruption and high taxes for greener pastures.
The local media in New Jersey has been partners in the massive misuse of public funds for far to long and shares much of the blame . The recent spat of "pro union" front page editorials in the Bergen Record under the pretense of news headed under the tag "we need this and your gonna pay for it" has become laughable. Whether its a enormous toll increase,a $110 million county park, a new stadium, that stupid Xanadu or the further adventures of Saint McGreevey, the Record and many other media outlets will bend over gladly for any politician or State worker Union with his or her hand out.
Meanwhile the Record and their media brothers were totally remiss in reporting the lack of state contributions to state worker pension funds and the "borrowing" ie theft of money from those funds. The current pension crisis and a Republican Governor seem to have suddenly created a need to talk about the $50plus billion dollar short fall. While the prior two Governors exacerbation of the situation went totally unnoticed and unreported. An even bigger lapse is the states continued "gambling" with high risk investments in the state worker pension funds and the complete lack of over site in choosing the fund managers ,especially during the McGreevey administration.
It is time for the "NJ state media" to stop fronting for Trenton and all their special interest friends and start doing the job of reporting the news. For far to long the constant misrepresentations and press releases have driven local news making the traditional local media part of the problem and not the solutions. Traditional New Jersey Local media is as guilty as the politicians they continue to protect and should be held accountable.