Saturday, June 25, 2011

Systemic Mortgage Fraud : MERS clouding titles of 60 million homes

 Systemic Mortgage Fraud : MERS clouding titles of 60 million homes

Several months ago, members of the NJ Tea Party Coalition took on the problem of Systemic Mortgage Fraud, producing informative pieces that can be seen here and here. Also check out these Mortgage Legal Templates. Laura and Al sat down on the set of Tea Time to discuss the issue.

NJ Tea Party Coalition gave WNBC-TV Chris Glorioso our “Specter of Mortgage Fraud” report in February 2011. Chris produced a segment on MERS clouding titles of 60 million homes, which aired on WNBC-TV NY on March 16.

Link to news segment:

We spoke to Chris after his segment aired. He said he gave our “Specter of Mortgage Fraud” presentation to NBC Network News Division, who planned to produce a special series based on our report’s information. The network produced a 4- part series, reported by NBC Lisa Meyers and broadcast on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams.  The links to the news segments re-broadcast on MSNBC:


Ron DuBois     Bogota, NJ


Sohail Mohammed is a Muslim Attorney, a member of the mosque in Passaic County, friend of its leader, Imam Quatanani, friend of Governor Chris Christie, and board member of the Muslim American Union, a radical Muslim group that shares leadership with other Muslim groups, known to have raised funds for Hamas, a direct creation of, and militant arm of, the Muslim Brotherhood.

Imam Quatanani is the head of the Passaic County Islamic Center Mosque, which Christie has visited numerous times, starting way back when he was an Assistant Prosecutor. Quatanani replaced the previous Imam in Passaic County, who was prosecuted for raising funds for terrorism. When Quatanani entered this country, he lied on his application and omitted the fact that he had spent time in jail in Israel, on terror-related charges, as well as his being a member of Hamas. The result was that the Department of Homeland Security tried to deport Quatanani, who by then had become a close personal friend of now-Governor Christie.


o  Assistant Prosecutor Chris Christie befriends Imam Quatanani, of Passaic County Mosque.

o  Christie meets Sohail Mohammed, lawyer, friend of Imam Quatanani, who attends Passaic Mosque. Mohammed is on the Board of Directors of the American Muslim Union, which shares leadership with groups that raised funds for Hamas.

o  Homeland Security tries to deport Imam Quatanani, member of Hamas, with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

o Christie, along with others, leaped to the defense of Quatanani, who was capable of delivering the Muslim vote. Christie sent Assistant U.S. Attorney, Charles Mc Kenna, to give a character reference at Quatanani's hearing. Christie later appointed Mc Kenna head of the N.J. Department of Homeland Security.

o  Sohail Mohammed defends Quatanani in court.

o  Mohammed wins the case, and Quatanani is not deported. In October, 2009, the Board of Immigration Appeals sent the case back to the original judge, Judge Riefkohl, after finding that the Israeli evidence, and various Agents' testimonies, disallowed by Riefkohl, were valid. (I haven't found a final disposition of the case)

o  Christie appoints Sohail Mohammed to a seat on the New Jersey Superior Court.


Sohail Mohammed has NO CHOICE, as a Muslim under Islam, but to put Shariah law above the Constitution. Their core belief on the subject is that Shariah was given directly by God, and the Constitution  was created by man. In Islam, God's law trumps the law of man. The two are the total antithesis of each other.

The simple bottom-line reason that the appointment should not be made is this:  We have all read, in recent months, of American judges resolving cases using Shariah law. This is totally unconstitutional, but this is how Shariah is creeping into every area of our culture and undermining it.  In every such case, those judges were overturned on appeal. With appointments such as Christie is making, practicing Muslims governed by Shariah, are moving up the judicial ladder. Eventually, when a lower court rules according to Shariah, an appeal to a higher court will be heard by a Muslim judge, and the original, unconstitutional, ruling will be upheld. This would be the beginning of the end of Constitutional Law. The fact is, any practicing Muslim, who believes in Shariah law, should automatically be disqualified from the bench, because they believe Shariah law takes precedence, and will lie to anyone questioning them about it, since lying to an Infidel to advance Islam is acceptable and proper in Islam, if it furthers Islam. That's in the Quran, and this is fact, not Islamophobia.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sarah Palin Trojan Horse to the mainstream media

Sarah Palin Trojan Horse to the mainstream media
PJ Bogger 

Some where out there a band of paparazzi mainstream media types are chasing Sarah Palin from cost to cost . In a game of cat and mouse Palin continues in her quest to prove to everyone that the mainstream media is both a biased arm of her detractors and a propaganda arm for the cause of socialism though out the world. 

Then came the "gotcha " moment for the paparazzi I mean the mainstream media types and they of coarse took the bait hook line and sinker ,unfortunately for them and for many fans of the now famous Longfellow poem , Palin has read American history and like many people the mainstream media has not ( ) 

Since schools no longer teach American history and have long since replaced it with a more easily manipulated format like social studies we are now on our 4th generation of students that simply have no clue as to the miracle of the birth of this nation. 

No where is that more apparent than in the mainstream media and their , "inside" the belt way big government types who continue to deny, degrade and misrepresent our heritage and history . 

Whether you like ,love or hate Sarah  Palin , you have to be struck by the abject stupidity of the mainstream media ,their arrogance and their "we always know better" attitude after all these are the folks that told us John Kerry was going to win by a land slide , and Carter would beat Reagan or Dewey would beat Truman . These are the folks that told us we were no match for Saddam Hussien and his war machine or that we had no battle plan in Iraq or that Bush was a draft dodger or Al Gore discovered the internet. 

Palin is doing right now what so many Americans cant do but would love too,she is spending her time as a Trojan horse showing the mainstream media to be the fools they are .

Now the nit-wits blinded by ideology are going to go through 24,000 pages of  Palin's documents and 13,000 emails ,taking the bait yet again and of coarse taking their eye off the ball while the economy teeters on the verge of another great depression and the world is destabilizing. So far the emails have suggested nothing more than an idealistic, conscientious, humorous and humane woman slightly like many of us bemused by the world of politics, gothcha !

Monday, June 6, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Soo Hyeon Park lawsuit against the Village to proceed

BREAKING NEWS:   Soo Hyeon Park lawsuit against the Village to proceed

the Staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ- A Bergen County Superior Court judge on Friday has tossed out the Village of  Ridgewood's motion for summery judgement in the case of the 13 year old boy Soo Hyeon Park who drowned at Graydon pool in the 2008 .In laymen's terms the judge denied the Village's motion to dismiss the case.

The judge also ruled against the Village's "third party actions filed against against the parents of a 13-year-old Korean boy who drowned at Graydon Pool during that summer and the boys two teenage friends and their parents, all Ridgewood residents , as members of Graydon Pool. With the Villages motions now thrown out the case is now set to proceed .

The case has been unusually long due to the complexity and depth or issues at play.

Sources close to the case have also made it clear that they are in no way aliened with any of the parties involved in either the "Action Park "or Preserve Historical Graydon groups and that their duty is to represent the plaintiffs in their lawsuit against the Village. This action  in no way should be misrepresented by either group or any particular person as meaningful to their cause. Sources close to the case reiterated that ," a new pool not my cause".

In an event that shocked the entire town Soo Hyeon Park died tragically on July 15, 2008. Park drowned in the deep end of Graydon pool. The boy’s family filed a complaint with Bergen County Superior Court on Feb. 19, 2009, claiming the village was negligent in the drowning ,seeking "pecuniary damages and losses." The Village  responded by filing a "third party action"  on Feb. 3rd . The complaint "alleged negligence" against the boy’s parents, Youn Wha Jung and Seong Wook Park and the boys two teenage friends and their parents.