Thursday, October 20, 2011

Washington Policy Wonks need to look no further than recent History of 1990 Japan for answers.

Washington Policy Wonks need to look no further than recent History of 1990 Japan for answers. 
one small voice

Policy experts continue to be stymied by their inability to get the economy moving again .A look at recent history would suggest that both the talking heads and Washington policy wonks should know better and be better served if they took a look at the failings of Japan in the 1990's.

In the not too distant past Japan was faced with many of the same issues caused by collapsing property and stock markets,leaving Japanese banks upside down on much of the nations collateral. Japan's once invincible economy ran aground with similar policy missteps that our current policy makers are making .

First Japan embarked on printing money and zero interest rates to accelerate demand ,but this is like pushing on a string. It failed in the 1990's for Japan and in reality did nothing to effect the supply and demand curve. This priming the pump or inflating your way to prosperity has historically proven to have dangerous consequences such as run away inflation and in the worst case could lead to a currency collapse.

At the same time both Japan in the 90's and the US government today have engaged in a massive buildup of regulation for both personal and business behavior with the net effect being to suffocate business initiative.

Both countries engaged in wrong headed Government "Stimulus" plans that never work , I repeat NEVER. Most of the stimulus money is wasted or lands in the hands of public unions with little or no job creation. Again Japan in the 1990's embarked on the same foolishness with a huge capital investment plan for infrastructure .Like the fool hearty promotion of alternative energy in the US today where at the end of the day much of the money was wasted ,taxes have to be raised to cover the debt which further suppresses economic growth.

Japanese banks simple hid there loses and in many cases have yet to recognize the depreciated collateral.The US has similar issues with the destruction of the credit markets, the 2000 stealth stock market crash and the inability for the government to offer any reliable economic statistics. There is a consistent theme of not facing the reality of the current economic situation.

Finally for both countries their constant central and state government tweaking or interference with the economy and its unintended consequences  have created so much uncertainty that they have virtually stifled business decision making.

The current period of economic decline will not end until more substantive pro-growth policy's are enacted ,such as deregulation, shrinking the size and scope of government ,paying down debt and lowering taxes. It is just that simple.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Traditional New Jersey Local media is as guilty as the politicians they continue to protect and should be held accountable

Traditional New Jersey Local media is as guilty as the politicians they continue to protect and should be held accountable
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ - Like a person who buys and alcoholic his next drink ,the same media enablers who have allowed New Jersey to be run into the ground by rampant corruption and fiscal irresponsibility since the Whitman days have now picked up the latest cause celeb to attack and blame all our problems , on the Tea Party. It was only a short time ago the former President George Bush was being blamed for everything from parking tickets to the fact that so many residents were fleeing the states corruption and high taxes for greener pastures.

The local media in New Jersey has been partners in the massive misuse of public funds for far to long  and shares much of the blame . The recent spat of "pro union" front page editorials in the Bergen Record under the pretense of  news  headed under the tag "we need this and your gonna pay for it" has become laughable. Whether its a enormous toll increase,a $110 million county park,  a new stadium, that stupid Xanadu or the further adventures of Saint McGreevey, the Record and many other media outlets will bend over gladly  for any politician or State worker Union with his or her hand  out.

Meanwhile the Record and their media brothers were totally remiss in reporting the lack of state contributions to state worker pension funds and the "borrowing" ie theft of money from those funds. The current pension crisis and a Republican Governor  seem to have suddenly  created a need to talk about the $50plus billion dollar short fall. While the prior two Governors exacerbation of the situation went totally unnoticed and unreported.  An even bigger lapse is the states continued "gambling" with high risk investments in the state worker pension funds and the complete lack of over site in choosing the fund managers ,especially during the McGreevey administration.

It is time for the "NJ state media" to stop fronting for Trenton and all their special interest friends and start doing the job of reporting the news. For far to long the constant misrepresentations and press releases have driven local news making the traditional local media part of the problem and not the solutions. Traditional New Jersey Local media is as guilty as the politicians they continue to protect and should be held accountable.

Aronsohn looks to challenge party bosses for Union Support

Aronsohn looks to challenge party bosses for Union Support 
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ- Councilmen Paul Aronsohn continues  to purse a pro union strategy looking to pick up Union support for his political ambitions  It is becoming readily obvious that Aronsohhn a former McGreevey aid and Ridgewood Councilmen is looking to fill the vacuum and take advantage of the current breakdown in Union ,Democrat relations at every possible opportunity .

Recent statements from Aronsohn have amounted to nothing more than an attempt  placate union bosses . Rumors continue to swirl that Aronsohn is looking to run for Freeholder challenging party incumbent David Ganz.

Aronsohn  continues to be very vocal on a host policies like the ADA which have to many become nothing more than Union ,make work" projects . One look at the Ridgewood Train stations and its "elevators to no where "  or the fact that the copper gutters cost over $800,000.00  leaves one wonders how many people with disabilities will visit the train station roof.

Whether its fighting incentive pay for Non-union workers , voting against pay raises for Village managers , lambasting the Governor or writing farewell pieces to Clarence Clemons or Richard Holbrooke ,Aronsohn continues to campaign hard for Union dollars without which he stands little or no chance of winning public office.

Meanwhile Aronsohn continues to be dogged by questions on his own sincerity and within "liberal" circles is often viewed as nothing more than an opportunist. Some would even question his strategy taking on the powerful Sen, Donald Norcross ,Senate President Steve Sweeney  and other party power brokers in an attempt to create a power base with Union money rivaling theirs.

Toll Increase: Does the Port Authority run the risk of pricing jobs out of New York ?

Toll Increase: Does the Port Authority  run the risk of pricing jobs out of New York ? 
PJ Blogger and the staff of the Ridgewood blog

As all Ridgewood commuters know by now the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is looking to raise tolls on the George Washington Bridge and the Lincoln and Holland tunnels this year. Drivers with E-ZPass would pay $4 more per crossing — $12 during peak times and $10 in off-peak hours. Cash tolls would jump from $8 to $15.

The dirty little secret is that many people who are making less than $250,000 will not  be able to afford the new tolls and many jobs in the "City" will no  longer be economically viable do to the toll increase.

The city which has gone from ,"the city that never sleeps"  to the city where there is a rule against doing almost everything has become less and less the focal point for the tri-state area  . Technology has made the commute to NYC everyday almost obsolete . At one time New York offered a truly unique experience , but now there is little or nothing you can do in NYC that you cant do right here at home .

I wonder if the tax revenue lost from jobs leaving the city will equal the payoff to the Port Authority and its unions ?  Time will only tell tell ,but New York as a center for world commerce and finance will continue to decline leaving the city as nothing more than an afterthought tourist destination.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Yankee Batboy tell all

Yankee Batboy tell all 

(New York ,New York)At age 15, Luis Castillo lived the dream, Castillo was a batboy for the New York Yankees  from 1998 until 2005 .Castillo ran errands for A-Rod, caught warm-up pitches with Andy Pettitte and David Cone, and partied with Ruben Sierra. In those days batboys did not have to sign confidentiality agreement. Which leads us to his new memoir, "Clubhouse Confidential."  were Castillo divulges Yankee player secrets.

Opening Day 1998 was his first day on the job , Castillo says he didn't know what to expect. he quickly learned that the tradition is that every bat boy gets a nickname from Derek Jeter himself . Castillo says that Jeter was easygoing ,joked a lot ,and teased everyone as a way to bond with his fellow team mates.

Castillo claims that Jeter and some of the players were terrific tippers. Roger Clemens would tip $3,000 at the end of the year. Posada gave him $7,000. A-Rod kicked in $1,400. A sizable amount, but when A-Rod  found out that other players were tipping more, he bumped his tips up. Making sure he was the best tipper in the league. Castillo says A-Rod tipped $100 a week to make sure there was a creatine shake waiting for him after each home game.

One day, President Clinton walked into the clubhouse with four Secret Service agents. Players were being polite as hell with him until Jeter  in full uniform, on the way out to the field paused just long enough to say: "Hey, Mr. President, you staying out of trouble?"

Castillo  says that  stadium operations, used a  "Red Alert." system when owner George Steinbrenner arrived.Manager of Stadium Operations would punch in a special code into the walkie -talkie system and the word would spread like wild fire. Casitillo describes the lave hate relationship the team had with Steinbrenner and players like David Cone would often rib the over protective owner.

Despite Steinbrenners penchant to micro manage the team Joe Torre  never let it interfere with his game .Torre would say , "This is what the Boss wants, but this is what we're going to do."  Torre was usually focused no matter what the situation and kept his nose to the grindstone. The only one thing that ever distracted him from work,  was the pony's and Torre would often have the OTB channel on his TV in his office.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cycling in and around town I have picked up a couple of tips I want to pass on

Cycling in and around town I have picked up a couple of tips I want to pass on
PJ Blogger

Ridgewood NJ - Cycling in and around town I have picked up three tips I want to pass on;
First cyclists and drivers look at the road from two entirely different perspectives ; the cyclist is connected by every nuance , bump ,lawn sprinkler , pot hole and road condition while the drivers perspective is much farther removed. Cyclist often look to avoid road hazards that drivers hardly notice.

Next a cyclist must be extremely vigilant. No amount of safety gear can stand up to the impact of a 3000 pound automobile.This makes vigilance the single most important safety feature for the cyclist.  Always remember it is up the rider to protect themselves. anticipate and be on the defensive.

And finally wear extremely bright clothing. Don't underestimate how difficult it can be for a driver to see you .The brighter the better . It helps the driver notice you sooner. ,and makes you a more visible target . A couple of seconds can be the difference between a trip to the corner store and a trip to the emergency room .

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Systemic Mortgage Fraud : MERS clouding titles of 60 million homes

 Systemic Mortgage Fraud : MERS clouding titles of 60 million homes

Several months ago, members of the NJ Tea Party Coalition took on the problem of Systemic Mortgage Fraud, producing informative pieces that can be seen here and here. Also check out these Mortgage Legal Templates. Laura and Al sat down on the set of Tea Time to discuss the issue.

NJ Tea Party Coalition gave WNBC-TV Chris Glorioso our “Specter of Mortgage Fraud” report in February 2011. Chris produced a segment on MERS clouding titles of 60 million homes, which aired on WNBC-TV NY on March 16.

Link to news segment:

We spoke to Chris after his segment aired. He said he gave our “Specter of Mortgage Fraud” presentation to NBC Network News Division, who planned to produce a special series based on our report’s information. The network produced a 4- part series, reported by NBC Lisa Meyers and broadcast on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams.  The links to the news segments re-broadcast on MSNBC:


Ron DuBois     Bogota, NJ


Sohail Mohammed is a Muslim Attorney, a member of the mosque in Passaic County, friend of its leader, Imam Quatanani, friend of Governor Chris Christie, and board member of the Muslim American Union, a radical Muslim group that shares leadership with other Muslim groups, known to have raised funds for Hamas, a direct creation of, and militant arm of, the Muslim Brotherhood.

Imam Quatanani is the head of the Passaic County Islamic Center Mosque, which Christie has visited numerous times, starting way back when he was an Assistant Prosecutor. Quatanani replaced the previous Imam in Passaic County, who was prosecuted for raising funds for terrorism. When Quatanani entered this country, he lied on his application and omitted the fact that he had spent time in jail in Israel, on terror-related charges, as well as his being a member of Hamas. The result was that the Department of Homeland Security tried to deport Quatanani, who by then had become a close personal friend of now-Governor Christie.


o  Assistant Prosecutor Chris Christie befriends Imam Quatanani, of Passaic County Mosque.

o  Christie meets Sohail Mohammed, lawyer, friend of Imam Quatanani, who attends Passaic Mosque. Mohammed is on the Board of Directors of the American Muslim Union, which shares leadership with groups that raised funds for Hamas.

o  Homeland Security tries to deport Imam Quatanani, member of Hamas, with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

o Christie, along with others, leaped to the defense of Quatanani, who was capable of delivering the Muslim vote. Christie sent Assistant U.S. Attorney, Charles Mc Kenna, to give a character reference at Quatanani's hearing. Christie later appointed Mc Kenna head of the N.J. Department of Homeland Security.

o  Sohail Mohammed defends Quatanani in court.

o  Mohammed wins the case, and Quatanani is not deported. In October, 2009, the Board of Immigration Appeals sent the case back to the original judge, Judge Riefkohl, after finding that the Israeli evidence, and various Agents' testimonies, disallowed by Riefkohl, were valid. (I haven't found a final disposition of the case)

o  Christie appoints Sohail Mohammed to a seat on the New Jersey Superior Court.


Sohail Mohammed has NO CHOICE, as a Muslim under Islam, but to put Shariah law above the Constitution. Their core belief on the subject is that Shariah was given directly by God, and the Constitution  was created by man. In Islam, God's law trumps the law of man. The two are the total antithesis of each other.

The simple bottom-line reason that the appointment should not be made is this:  We have all read, in recent months, of American judges resolving cases using Shariah law. This is totally unconstitutional, but this is how Shariah is creeping into every area of our culture and undermining it.  In every such case, those judges were overturned on appeal. With appointments such as Christie is making, practicing Muslims governed by Shariah, are moving up the judicial ladder. Eventually, when a lower court rules according to Shariah, an appeal to a higher court will be heard by a Muslim judge, and the original, unconstitutional, ruling will be upheld. This would be the beginning of the end of Constitutional Law. The fact is, any practicing Muslim, who believes in Shariah law, should automatically be disqualified from the bench, because they believe Shariah law takes precedence, and will lie to anyone questioning them about it, since lying to an Infidel to advance Islam is acceptable and proper in Islam, if it furthers Islam. That's in the Quran, and this is fact, not Islamophobia.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sarah Palin Trojan Horse to the mainstream media

Sarah Palin Trojan Horse to the mainstream media
PJ Bogger 

Some where out there a band of paparazzi mainstream media types are chasing Sarah Palin from cost to cost . In a game of cat and mouse Palin continues in her quest to prove to everyone that the mainstream media is both a biased arm of her detractors and a propaganda arm for the cause of socialism though out the world. 

Then came the "gotcha " moment for the paparazzi I mean the mainstream media types and they of coarse took the bait hook line and sinker ,unfortunately for them and for many fans of the now famous Longfellow poem , Palin has read American history and like many people the mainstream media has not ( ) 

Since schools no longer teach American history and have long since replaced it with a more easily manipulated format like social studies we are now on our 4th generation of students that simply have no clue as to the miracle of the birth of this nation. 

No where is that more apparent than in the mainstream media and their , "inside" the belt way big government types who continue to deny, degrade and misrepresent our heritage and history . 

Whether you like ,love or hate Sarah  Palin , you have to be struck by the abject stupidity of the mainstream media ,their arrogance and their "we always know better" attitude after all these are the folks that told us John Kerry was going to win by a land slide , and Carter would beat Reagan or Dewey would beat Truman . These are the folks that told us we were no match for Saddam Hussien and his war machine or that we had no battle plan in Iraq or that Bush was a draft dodger or Al Gore discovered the internet. 

Palin is doing right now what so many Americans cant do but would love too,she is spending her time as a Trojan horse showing the mainstream media to be the fools they are .

Now the nit-wits blinded by ideology are going to go through 24,000 pages of  Palin's documents and 13,000 emails ,taking the bait yet again and of coarse taking their eye off the ball while the economy teeters on the verge of another great depression and the world is destabilizing. So far the emails have suggested nothing more than an idealistic, conscientious, humorous and humane woman slightly like many of us bemused by the world of politics, gothcha !

Monday, June 6, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Soo Hyeon Park lawsuit against the Village to proceed

BREAKING NEWS:   Soo Hyeon Park lawsuit against the Village to proceed

the Staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ- A Bergen County Superior Court judge on Friday has tossed out the Village of  Ridgewood's motion for summery judgement in the case of the 13 year old boy Soo Hyeon Park who drowned at Graydon pool in the 2008 .In laymen's terms the judge denied the Village's motion to dismiss the case.

The judge also ruled against the Village's "third party actions filed against against the parents of a 13-year-old Korean boy who drowned at Graydon Pool during that summer and the boys two teenage friends and their parents, all Ridgewood residents , as members of Graydon Pool. With the Villages motions now thrown out the case is now set to proceed .

The case has been unusually long due to the complexity and depth or issues at play.

Sources close to the case have also made it clear that they are in no way aliened with any of the parties involved in either the "Action Park "or Preserve Historical Graydon groups and that their duty is to represent the plaintiffs in their lawsuit against the Village. This action  in no way should be misrepresented by either group or any particular person as meaningful to their cause. Sources close to the case reiterated that ," a new pool not my cause".

In an event that shocked the entire town Soo Hyeon Park died tragically on July 15, 2008. Park drowned in the deep end of Graydon pool. The boy’s family filed a complaint with Bergen County Superior Court on Feb. 19, 2009, claiming the village was negligent in the drowning ,seeking "pecuniary damages and losses." The Village  responded by filing a "third party action"  on Feb. 3rd . The complaint "alleged negligence" against the boy’s parents, Youn Wha Jung and Seong Wook Park and the boys two teenage friends and their parents.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Experience on the Glenn Beck Show

My Experience on the Glenn Beck Show
By Jason A. Vigorito

I recently attended, as a live audience member, one of Glenn Beck’s last episodes for his television program on Fox News. I went with two friends, Barry Walksy and our friend Jay. The show was taped Tuesday, April 19, and aired Friday, April 22 at 5 PM.

Everyone’s asked how we got on the program. Jay, on a whim, emailed the show to get tickets. One of Glenn’s representatives, Mina, responded a day later and reserved three for us. We considered ourselves pretty lucky because, after talking with other audience members, our reservations were made quickly, whereas others waited weeks to get theirs. We were e-mailed a questionnaire asking us for contact information and wanting questions pertinent to that night’s topic: “a look at how much our country has changed in the past two years.” It was Part 1 of a three-part series. It was an audience participation, townhall-styled taping, with questions regarding: leftist/socialist players and policies, Obama’s advisors, the dollar, America’s stature in the world.

What was it like??? Well, we showed up at the Fox News building (News Corp.) in mid-town Manhattan around 5 PM. Security started screening around 5:15 and we were led to a large waiting room, furnished with food and beverages. After that day’s taping, we were led into the studio at around 6:15. Glenn was busy reviewing notes. Television does indeed make things look bigger than they actually are. The studio was small, seating 40 of us, with Glenn’s desk in the middle and three of his famous chalkboards lining the wall with their magnetic pictures of different people and organizations. (There were dozens more boards and pictures behind the studio’s temporary walls!) There were many cameras, lights, bundles of wire. The studio crew was mostly younger people, which we found interesting.

Did you really get to talk on the show??? The three of us sat right behind that night’s special guests: Kevin Williamson, an editor at National Review, and author Richard Poe. Quite a few of us got to interact with Glenn and the guests. During one commercial break Glenn asked, “Where’s Jason from NJ?” I raised my hand and he said I had an excellent question about Cass Sunstein, Obama’s regulatory czar. The people around me were like, “ Whooaa, good for you!” So, my big on-air moment was half-way through the show asking the night’s first question: what are some specific regulations Sunstein has tweaked? Glenn, Kevin, and Richard gave some lengthy answers. And during the next break, high-five’s went around.

The taping ended close to 7:30. Barry, Jay, and two women (on my left) talked with Glenn briefly and shook his hand. I was like, “I don’t need to shake his hand, I got to talk with him on national tv!” which got a few laughs. As we left the building, we were given copies of The 5,000 Year Leap and The Real George Washington, two books Glenn highly recommends. I also got to talk with Kevin, which was great.

Glenn was very friendly, cordial, and personable that night. He was down-to- earth and very sharp, deciding how to run the episode real-time during the commercial breaks without much prep. When you watch his show, you get the real deal—straight talk without pretense or acting. Our respect for Glenn Beck only strengthened that night….

Monday, February 7, 2011

AOL buys Huffington Post for $315 million

AOL buys Huffington Post for $315 million
one small voice

Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington announced late Sunday that the site agreed to a $315 million buyout offer from AOL. This deal guarantees AOL will be closely watched not only by media observers but also by Silicon Valley companies.

The very liberal-leaning Huffington Post online news site has been one of the few internet content start-up success stories with over 1000 contributors and sizable ad revenue. AOL is the elder statesman of online access and digital content. It is also the owner of the "Patch " local blog network which our own local Ridgewood Patch is part of.

It was less than a week ago that a document called “The AOL Way”  was leaked showing how serious AOL is about its latest incarnation of the strategy to shift from a "technology" company to media company. Many industry insiders were caught unaware that people were still refereed to AOL as a "technology" company .

Its seems like only yesterday when we heard all this the first time with the much ballyhooed AOL/Time Warner merger. The merger marked the begging of the end of AOL network dominance and some would also suggest the the beginning of the end of the of the dot com boom turning into the first dot bomb.

Paramus Police officer Shot on Rout 17

Paramus Police officer Shot on Rout 17
the Staff of the Ridgewood blog

PARAMUS, N.J. – The Bergen County prosecutor’s office said a Paramus police officer Rachel Morgan is listed in critical but stable condition after she was shot numerous times.Officer Rachel Morgan was wearing her bulletproof vest. The two-year veteran of the Paramus Police force is 31 years old.

The prosecutor said in a news release Monday the officer was shot about 11 p.m. Super Bowl Sunday after pursuing Michael Carmody of Westwood who was driving south on Route 17 . As Carmody got on the Garden State Parkway and lost control of the vehicle. Officer Morgan was shot when she reached the scene .Another officer fired at Carmody, hitting him several times. The 24-year-old Carmody is in critical condition.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Do you have a bad case of the winter blues?

Do you have a bad case of the winter blues?

Do you have a bad case of the winter blues? It seems when those cold winter days get shorter, colder and darker, many people are over whelmed by a sense of melancholy or depression . If so, you’re not alone and data suggests that Twenty percent of the people in the United States react to the change of seasons with a type of depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD for short. Symptoms typically arise in the fall and winter months, but those who are not exposed to sunlight during the day may experience SAD all year long.

I have detailed some simple steps to take to alleviate some of the symptoms ,obviously if symptoms persist you should see a doctor.

First take charge of your mood. There are usually three troublesome feelings: hopelessness, depression and anxiety. While these uncomfortable feelings can interfere with the quality of your life, there are things you can do to feel better and avoid feeling down. The first step is to acknowledge the feelings and then commit to doing whatever it takes to alter your mood. Take charge of your emotions; don’t let your mood take charge of you.

Turn negative thoughts into positive. Negative thoughts have a tendency to increase the more you focus on them. Its best to recognize this is just the seasonality effecting you and replace the negative thought with a more positive point of view. There are many different ways to handle feeling down but recognizing its the season and giving the benefit of the doubt or not assuming the wost can be a good start. You have to make and effort to be positive.

Don’t Hide or isolate yourself. If you have a tendency is to hide away and keep sadness to yourself, when you’re feeling down, then you might need to change this habit. Isolation only increases hopelessness and makes your anxiety grow. Reach out to friends. Make dates for walking and talking. Getting some exercise and fresh air can help. Push yourself to go out and get out in the world.

Rest, sleep, nap and move your body. To feel in balance we need rest and movement. People with SAD may need as much as 10 hours of sleep in the winter , but its also important to counter that with some exercise whether its the gym or a brisk walk motion wand activity with change your mood.

Let the sun shine ,sit in bright light. A specialized light box designed to mimic sunshine will kick-start your brain chemicals without the side effects of medication. Its best to make your home sunny and bright. Keep the blinds open, sit by the window, burn good-smelling candles. Creating a cozy home will help you feel safe, warm and ready to socialize.For a quick fix for some hit the tanning salon but always take precautions.

Upbeat music and an inspiring audio book can be calming and energizing. In the morning put on energizing music and at night play calming sounds. Listening to a book on tape that is entertaining and educational. The soothing sounds or the focus on other issues may distract you from anxieties.

And finally be “grateful”. It sounds old fashioned but it is not to be over looked or under estimated and counting your blessings is the quickest cure for hopelessness. When you feel the seasonal blues overtake you, don’t let those momentary thoughts and feelings stop you from being grateful. List five things that you are grateful for each day. The repetition will have a tendency to reprogram you and change your state of being .

Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Jasmine Revolution" hails the New age of Openness

"Jasmine Revolution" hails the New age of Openness
Big Brother is Dead !
James Foytlin

Many commentators have missed the point and seem utterly shocked by the recent "Jasmine Revolution" . There has been a much propagated myth the in the west that Muslims,Arabs and other people of the mid-east choose to live in Tyrannies by design and not by coercion. The main stream media has used this myth for years to justify the west's failure to confront Muslim extremest tyranny in any and all forms. Western apologists simply claim that Islamic culture demands  authoritarianism  and we most except and submit to it in order to get along. whether its a dictator that offers bribes of cheap oil or assistance on the latest terror plot or a terror group looking to undermine many of the core values of western civilization the media and the political leadership of the west have looked to avoid confrontation at all cost in almost an institutionalized form of cowardice.

The act of the "Jasmine Revolution " first in Tunisia , now Egypt and spreading throughout the Arab world is the very rejection of that myth. It seems after all  that Arab youth yearn for same Freedom, Individual liberty and self determination like the rest of us.

While most of the US media ignores or underplays the significance of the "Jade Revolution"  some continue to speculate on fears of another reactionary Islamic state taking over . Yes there is some chance that this could happen, but these people are not in the streets begging for more tyranny , they have taken to the streets because they have finally had enough . But you say what about the Islamic Revolution in Iran ,that my friend points out the very significant difference between then and now; the internet.

The enemy of all despots is mass communication via mobile device and the mass adaption of the Internet .It is a huge difference from prior generations and now becoming one of the most significant developments in governance as well as in human history .Most of the main stream media and their vested interests have once again missed the point , that openness is here to stay and not going away anytime soon.

It also comes as no surprise that Tunisia would lead that way ,after all for many years it was an oasis of openness in north Africa with western TV and more importantly broad band Internet access . These are the first revolutions of the 21st century Internet generation and they know how the rest of the world lives and what the rest of the world thinks . Long gone are the days when a statist government can control all the inputs .This also points to a further assumption ,that perhaps big brother and or tyranny is obsolete in this tech drive age of openness .

Friday, January 28, 2011

Village Council Reaches New Parking Solution

Village Council Reaches New Parking Solution
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ - The Village Council has finally come to a decision on new parking fee's for the CBD or Central Business District shopping area. The council has agreed to adjust the parking fee structure in Ridgewood. The new parking fee's will take effect as soon as new signs are made.

The plan keeps street parking at the current 50 cents an hour, but reduces the cost in municipal lots to the old rate of 25 cents per hour. Hours of enforcement will also remain the same, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.There will be no more free parking in municipal lots on Saturdays.

The council also rolled out a A new innovation to be implemented by the village. the UP System or Unlimited Parking System, The UP System will allow a commuter, resident or downtown employee to purchase a "placard" to place on their rear view mirror that permits them to park in certain areas where there is a meter. The proposed parking pass would tentatively cost $1,300 per year.
Details still need to be worked out.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Cancer Scientist Loses Two Years of Critical Research When Laptop Stolen

Cancer Scientist Loses Two Years of Critical Research When Laptop Stolen

A cautionary tale for all of us who from time to time get lazy about backing up our data. Cancer scientist Sook Shin’s laptop was stolen with over two years of critical cancer research when she and her husband stopped in at a Panera Bread in Oklahoma City. Computers can be replaced, but the two years of research on prostate cancer which Shin had not backed up won’t be so easy to recover and potentially cost lives.

Shin claims that the research on her computer had the power to save millions. Sadly, she had not even recorded the laptop’s serial number, or done any data backups so there’s very little chance that police can track down the device or recover her data.

Once again when it comes to losing electronic files its not a matter of if ,it is simply a matter of when. Your files probably don't contain the cure for cancer, but your own personal or business data is uniquely your own and you’ll be sorry perhaps even out of business if you are not able to access or restore your files. According to PCIC Backup Solutions based in Paramus New Jersey ,"There’s no question your systems are going to fail at some point with resulting loss of data – “it’s a 100 percent certainty.” The only question is when. And businesses that don’t adequately protect their data will inevitably suffer."